piątek, 17 lipca 2015

Who are you?

Another usefull polish words! 

Image courtesy of photostock at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

If you want to introduce yourself by Internet (for example: if you having conversation by czat), you have to know these few words:

a woman - kobieta
a man - mężczyzna
a boy - chłopak
a girl - dziewczyna
a kid, a child - dziecko

and, to avoid trouble ;) :

a wife - żona
a husband - mąż
a fiance - narzeczony
a bride - narzeczona

If you are dating somebody, but you haven't made your mind up yet, it's your:
boyfriend - chłopak
girlfriend - dziewczyna

He is my boyfriend. - To jest mój chłopak.
She is my girlfriend. - To jest moja dziewczyna.

Did you have your vacation? 
Maybe you can try these words? 

Let me know! :D


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